Baby Buzz
Baby Buzz celebrates this truth:
That there is no single truth in parenting.
Yes. There are experts. There are classes.
Go. Soak in the knowledge. Read the book.
Go on the walk with the wise friend, sister, neighbor. You’ll need that!
Parenting is emotional.
But, face it. Parenting is personal.
We have easy moments, and we have seasons that are hard.
I met someone the other day, and she said she’s taking it easier on herself this time around with her baby. “I’m tired of feeling like a loser parent." Harsh. But, real.
Many have been there. Whether it be due to things not working as per the plan, or the child not reacting the way they feel is right, or worrying about what others think is right or wrong. There are ample moments that are not black or white. Just because your baby doesn't sleep after all the S's have been shushed and swayed. Just because your milk doesn't come in after all the organic whatever you’re supposed to do. The list goes on. It’s exhausting. Don’t do feel like a loser parent. That’s what we want to avoid.
The secret? FILTER it all.
There is your expectation of parenting. There is your reality of parenting. And you doing the best you can, under your moral code, messing up, nailing it, and starting over at every breath.
There is no single truth in parenting. Only your truth.
We at Hummingbird Infant will be finding it right along with you.
We will meet with some of you and your babies.
We will share “Just A Minute” videos from experts to help guide you. We will learn from you, and with you. We will take the minute and pull out our truths. And you’ll find yours.
YOUR truth. Unique to your situation. Caring. Loving. Doing the best you can in your situation. That’s all that matters.
Give us a follow at Hummingbird Infant as we embark on Baby Buzz. Because, we are better together as a community.
Let’s figure this parenting thing out together.
Sarah is a birth mom, adoptive mom, wife, working mom and optimist. She is the founder of Hummingbird Infant. Sign up for our free confidence-boosting weekly Baby Buzz email for insights to help you in your parenting journey in all facets of the first years of parenting.